Commissioning (Cx) ensures energy usage systems are designed, installed, functionally tested and capable of being operated and maintained as the owner intended.
Modern building systems are complex, and current building practices often result in a scenario where multiple architecture and engineering firms design the building while a separate construction contractor and/or manager is hired to oversee dozens of subcontractors whose focus is solely on their respective trades and specialties. This fragmented process can lead to poor communications, improperly installed equipment, high energy use, uncomfortable or unhealthy spaces and unnecessary operating costs.
Through commissioning, we experience a reduction in change orders during the construction process, helping projects stay on time and on budget. Once the building is operational, commissioning allows for continued cost control and improved environmental safety and
energy efficiency.
During commissioning, we work with the owner, designers, engineers, contractors and subcontractors to put all the pieces together, ensuring the finished building project functions as the architectural and engineering designs specify and to which the owner expects.
We have created a streamlined suite of services and processes designed to overcome common issues in major design and construction projects:
Developing the Cx plan
Conducting design documentation reviews
Facilitating construction phase Cx meetings with the contractor and subcontractors
Reviewing contractor submittal documentation
Developing and reviewing pre-functional testing checklists
Verifying that Testing and Balancing (TAB) of HVAC systems is completed properly
Conducting functional performance testing and noting deficiencies
Witnessing owner training
Writing the final Cx report
Compiling a systems manual
Completing a post occupancy site visit within one year after occupancy
WBS starts by working with building maintenance and operations staff to understand how the building is currently functioning and ends by providing recommendations for improvements that can lead to increased energy efficiency, air quality and occupant comfort. If capital renovations are planned, WBS can also provide design reviews and post occupancy consulting services, including remote monitoring and indoor air quality testing.
Recommissioning is the process of commissioning a building after it has been in services for many years. Recommissioning is recommended for LEED projects that have been in service for over 5 years or for previously commissioned buildings that are no longer functioning as the original design specified.
Also referred to as “continuous commissioning” and “automated fault detection,” MBCx provides software or staff continuously monitoring building performance and notifying designated personnel whenever systems start to drift from their expected performance levels. WBS assists clients in a number of ways, including simple remote monitoring of a building’s BAS (Building Automation System) then providing performance reports and recommendations for improvement and assisting in earning the LEED enhanced commissioning credit for monitoring based commissioning. For existing buildings, remote monitoring works best when the process starts with re-commissioning or retro-commissioning to ensure the building is running at peak performance.
Typical facility commissioning processes are limited to energy consuming systems, such as HVAC, lighting and plumbing equipment. However, the performance of the building envelope (i.e., exterior walls, ceilings, windows and doors) contributes significantly to the performance of those systems. WBS has developed a service that adds verification for these exterior building elements. During the design phase, WBS reviews and provides comments on envelope design drawings and specifications. During the construction phase, WBS reviews mockups, performs site visits and compiles documentation to verify construction phase quality control measures are complete.